Types of exams or checkups
Law 618. Art. 26, subsections a and b.
Pre-employment or entrance medical exam
It is the one that is carried out to determine the health conditions of the worker before his hiring, based on the working conditions to which he would be exposed, in accordance with the requirements of the task and profile of the position according to the activity to which he aspires. It is essential that the current condition is determined and if he does not have previous injuries or that affect his performance in the position.
Law 618. Art. 26, subsections c and d
Periodic or annual medical examination
It is the one carried out in order to monitor exposure to risk factors and identify early, possible temporary, permanent or aggravated changes in the health status of the worker, caused by work or by exposure to the work environment. Here the bases for the Diagnosis of Occupational Illnesses are determined and it helps Hygiene and Safety in taking the necessary measures avoiding more Damage to the worker.
Hygiene and Safety Regulations. Health surveillance. Chapter VIII, Art. 8 Subsection d.
reinstatement exam
It is the one that is made to the worker after a period of absence due to having suffered some alteration in his state of health, this could have been due to an Accident or Professional Illness. The correct assessment of the worker by the occupational doctor will determine if the patient's capacities are full for the development of the activities for which he was duly hired.
Physical exam
Osteomioarticular examination must always be thorough, because it is not only limited to upper and lower extremities. In the osteomyoarticular examination, what is sought is the origin of the pain, and it is necessary to determine if the pain is from the extremity or if it is referred pain.
Inside the limb, look for bones, muscles, tendons, bursae, joints, and whether the pain is caused by inflammation or another condition. To examine extremities, the patient must be assessed in Standing, Walking, whether Claudica (limps) or not, Movements when undressing, from the moment of meeting the patient, the assessment begins. Many times with only this you can have a correct diagnosis of possible pathologies. At the level of the joints, alignment alterations, deformities, increased joint volume, ecchymosis and erythema can be seen.
Fundamentally, the joints are seen: Shoulder, Elbow, Wrist, Metacarpophalangeal (MCP), Proximal Interphalangeal (IPP), Distal Interphalangeal (DIP) joints and the range of movements, alignment, increase in volume, presence of pain, signs of inflammation, presence of crepitus (crackling, joint rubbing) in movements in general.
The Osteomioarticular evaluation generates important information on the worker's health conditions and possible damage due to exposure to different work scenarios.
Who should do it?
Workers who operate equipment or machinery likely to produce vibrations and tremors must be assessed every six months (Article 161; Chapter XIV, Industrial Hygiene; Noise and Vibrations).
Workers of the Ironing Areas (Article 25. Paragraph d; Chapter VIII; Health Management and Surveillance).
Workers of the Inspection Areas (Article 25. Subsection e; Chapter VIII; Health Management and Surveillance).
Workers (as) of the Cleaning Areas (Article 25. Paragraph g; Chapter VIII; Health Management and Surveillance).
Workers of the Administrative Areas (Article 25. Paragraph h; Chapter VIII; Health Management and Surveillance).