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Includes tests:

* IgA anti-tissue transglutaminase

* Immunoglobulin A

* Antigliadin IgA

Cost: C$6651.00


Celiac disease is a condition caused by damage to the lining of the small intestine.


This damage comes from a reaction to ingesting gluten. This is a substance found in wheat, barley, rye, and possibly oats. And also in foods made with these ingredients.


The damaged intestine does not absorb the necessary components of food.


The exact cause of celiac disease is unknown. The lining of the intestines has small projections that contain areas called villi, which project outward at the opening of the intestine. These structures help absorb nutrients.

When people with celiac disease eat foods with gluten, their immune system reacts by damaging these villi.

Because of this damage, the villi are unable to absorb iron, vitamins, and nutrients properly.
As a result, a number of symptoms and health problems may occur.

The disease can manifest at any time of life from infancy to late adulthood.

People with family members who have celiac disease are at higher risk of developing the disease. This disorder is more common in people of white race and of European origin. Also, women are affected more often than men.

People with celiac disease are more likely to have:

Altamira Unit

Pellas Building 2 1/2 blocks to the South, on the marginal.

Tel: 2270 6171

WhatsApp: 88022030

Sandino City Unit

From the turn of Pinal del Río, 50 meters. to West. Zone 4.

Phone: 2269 3696

WhatsApp: 77560977

El Eden Unit

Traffic lights at El Edén Bridge, 1 1/2 blocks down.

Tel: 2250 7672, 2250 7902 and 2249 0945

WhatsApp: 88021282

Galleries Santo Domingo Unit

Main entrance of Galerias Santo Domingo

Tel: 8278 4242

WhatsApp: 8278 4242

Consult your doctor, who is the only one empowered to indicate to each patient the laboratory studies to be carried out.

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Altamira Unit

Pellas Building 2 blocks 1/2 to the South, on the marginal

Tel: 2270 6171

WhatsApp: 88022030


Eden Unit

El Edén Bridge 1 1/2 block down, left hand

Tel: 505 2250 7672, 2250 7902 and 2249 0945  

WhatsApp: 88021282


Santo Domingo Galleries Unit

Main entrance Galleries Santo Domingo

Tel: 8278 4242

WhatsApp: 82 78 4242


Rivas Unit

From the Jesús del Rescate roundabout 2 1 / 2c to the West

Tel: 2563 5645

WhatsApp: 83901077


Linda Vista Unit

DC. Linda Vista Modules E7 and E8

Tel: 2266 9826, 2268 6070, 2268 6069

WhatsApp: 88022425


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Rubenia Unit

Plaza Rubenia, next to the super La Colonia

Tel: 2226 7845

WhatsApp: 87869844


Veracruz Unit

Km 14 highway to Masaya, 1km towards Veracruz

Tel: 2255 2431

WhatsApp: 88021787


Customer service phone

Whatsapp: 8461 3411

Skype: Immaculate Laboratory



General Management and Quality Management

Km 14 highway to Masaya, 1km towards Veracruz


Accounting Address

DC. Linda Vista A5 and A6 modules

Tel: (505) 2266 2315, 2266 0060


Medical and laboratory management

DC. Linda Vista Modules E7 and E8


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